Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chat Task

Here we are finally on the topic of Chat sites. I have been an avid user of chats sites for as long I can remember and still use at least 2-3 times everyday. I have used many different sites over the years but have still been drawn back to MSN or as its known now "Windows Live Messenger".

When I first started on the Internet I used ICQ as it was back then, suggested by family and friends as the chat site they used. In the mid-to-late 90's it was one of the best around, until MSN messenger took over and wam bam thank you ma'am that was it for me.

The most appealing side to MSN is its easiness of use. The GUI look has made this chat site easy for the absolute chat beginner to pick up straight away. I have several friends who are what we call "Spaztechs", in other words there technically spastic or challenged lol, but when told to join up with MSN, have grasped the concepts of chatting brilliantly. In fact some of them now feel they have moved up to a new rating of partially spaztech.

Most people, when I have asked them what draws them to Windows Live, say they like the ability to received hotmail emails at the same time as using the chat function because of the pop-up screen alert. They all love the idea of the emoticons/winks and feel that some of them actually denote how they feel better than what they could put
into words. The multiple chat function to is a plus for most. You can very easily add others to your chat session making it more of a get together with your mates than just a solo chat or one-on-one.

Another bonus to Windows Live is the "Appear Offline" function. I find it interesting to sometimes show as offline and sit back and watch how many users actually log on and off the chat site over the course of an hour. This handy little tool is also good when the study is going hard and you know you shouldn't be chatting. With this tool you can pick and choose whom you speak to.

I perso
nally find online chatting much better than face-to-face chatting. I feel I can say more to someone without putting my foot in it because I have the availability to read my post before pressing send. This in turn allows me to delete anything that may sound offish, self-centered or even condescending. I tend to open my mouth before thinking so for me its a blessing. Thank you Windows Live Messenger for saving my bacon on more than one occasion.


Anonymous said...

I like "spaztech". Until now, I've always called them technophobes.


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